Click the links below to scroll down and read about the sophisticated back office IT systems created by our very own in-house IT development team. They are the bedrock of our success, enabling us to provide a world class flooring service to UK House Builders and Housing Associations.
Live Care is a back office customer care progress tracking tool, created specifically for our engineers and in-house customer care team to log interactions and present live updates of aftersales flooring works – be it a direct flooring fault or a third party issue such as a flood.
Each of our House Builder and Housing Association customers is allocated their own secure Live Care area, where they can login and view our notes (with associated documents and photos) on tasks carried out for end home buyers and tenants – all under organised cases with automatic date/time stamps to create a perfect audit trail.
Our House Builder and Housing Association customers can view the current situation without the need to communicate with us (perfect for when they are themselves dealing with the end home buyer or tenant at that time). And the ‘Care Dialogue’ even enables communications back and forth from within a specific Live Care case itself.
The time saving is staggering, with the House Builder and Housing Association being automatically notified by email in real time when updates are submitted. Live Care is yet another example of the world class responsive service provided by our team at Contract Flooring Solutions.
Live Pricing is a real time floor costings calculator for creating instant quotations across a huge variety of flooring. It algorithmically processes many thousands of operations every second, and automatically outputs and stores new quotations against customers and properties, vastly reducing manpower and the potential of human mistakes.
Originally created as a back office tool for our in-house surveyors, it soon became obvious that Live Pricing could further improve the quotation workflow by better assisting our House Builder customers. Live Pricing 2.0 was thereafter developed, adding another layer of system architecture together with secure logins and flexible user access control.
Today through Live Pricing we offer our House Builder customers an efficient constantly updating live sales environment, whereby they can instantly access the current cost of our flooring 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, removing the necessity for their surveyors to have to communicate back and forth with ours (note our surveyors are of course always just a phone call away, on hand to assist).
Live Forecasting is a purpose built back office stock control and forecasting system which continuously and automatically checks the current position of flooring stocks across all Contract Flooring Solutions warehouses. For every new quotation and confirmed order, stock control levels are instantly adjusted, with our stock managers being notified when to organise replacements.
The system ensures we as a company stock not only sufficient volumes of commonly used flooring products, but also the widest possible selection of flooring in order to cater for the rarest of demands from the end home buyer – as well as being able to react swiftly to immediate tenders and emergency callouts.
Furthermore, Live Forecasting self learns the typical turnaround times of our House Builder and Housing Association customers, so they can rest assured that we will be ready when they are.